Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hmm i dunno if its just the pressure of assignments due and impending exams that scares the crap out of me to make me think more but nevertheless in the walk down from uni today, well i was doing what i do best ( thinking la wat else)
In parts of our life, we let people into our life and have the time of our lives together, what happens when tat phase ends? what happens when people get different priorities and move away from the group ( not happening now but just thinking). are we suppose to just wave and wish them all the best?
heck should i know cos im the one thinking..
in 5-10 years from now.. when most of people would have settled down.. will people still wan to catch up with each other or will the 'busy' people choose not to given their priorities??
seems fickle enuff but this was on my mind the whole walk down
that being said.. how would u feel if u were treated like a substitute
as in person X seems to 'want' to hang out with u when person Y is busy
when Y is free.. u never hear a peep from X.. funny isnt it
am i the only one to find that degrading? well mayb just sad but same idea
heh phase of life? who knows haha
what to do? live goes on.. just kinda shows how much ur frenship means to person X( aka not a lot)
another thing that puzzles me is how attraction works. As in not so much why we get attracted , its more like how do u not get attracted to someone.. can u like put up defenses and hope it works? LOL i wish things were tat easy
if any thing cant wait to go home.. too many things happened this year and need my year end 3 month break to reflect and possibly move on.. ( damn thing is harder than i tot.. oh well part of life)
APL out

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

hmm 9 months since i last used this site.. impressive
heh i wish life has improved in the 9 months and it has.. well sort of
cleared all papers last sem which was good..
and facing 3 quite full on papers this sem..
been busyish these few days with stuff and well not as 'lovely' a picture as i imagined.
have had many things on my mind these few weeks that sigh wish could turn back time and done things differently
i'm intrigued by the concept of holding on
in the song at outreach this song was something that stuck with me for quite a while
very uplifting song especially in this grey area in my life
when ur in a bad/confusing part of ur life.. how long do u hold on for?
till something happens? or till u cant stand it anymore
how long will u wait for something to happen? and if it doesnt wat will u do ?
these are but some of the questions im seeking answers for and they just dun seem to come
how long do i have to subject myself to these thoughts i wonder..
how long will u wait for someone before u realize that nothing will ever happen no matter how much time has passed?
what happens then? yea the ardous journey of letting time heal all wounds..
so wish there was a way to skip this process
would save me lot of heartache heh