Saturday, October 17, 2009

ahhhh!!! I give up
im so tired of trying to live life the way i think i should..
God take over all aspects of my life am so tired of doing things of my own strength
, every little aspect im done with trying to manage things by myself using my own limited understanding.. the finals are approaching and i've been swarmed by thoughts that continually distract me from my work..
trying to not be emo.. cant afford to be emo
men of God cant be emo.. and yet .. so easy to fall back into it.
need God's plan for my life cos mine kinda sucks.. i dun wanna do things just because i want to but i want to follow HIS plan for my life.. i cant direct myself for "yoghurt" ( EXPLETIVE HERE) how am i suppose to lead someone else as well when the time comes.. of all the lousy times to receive revelation like this lol
need to also stop opening myself up to pple too much cos all it ends up for me is getting more hurt and frustration when things dun happen the way i want it to. I guess guys dun do that for a reason.. and well just found out why..
need to study study study not emo emo emo
.. whew its out .. back to stdy heh