Thursday, December 03, 2009

today the 3rd of Dec, is a monumental day for me. Or I think it is anyway. During my afternoon run, I realized that i have been falling away from God because of my stubborn-ness and insistance on doing things my way. So during the run, I recommitted my life back to christ and all the years i have spent endlessly drifting and doing things my own way i put behind me.
God has blessed me with a wonderful bunch of people who have been around me, shaping me to be the person i am. But the road has not always been easy and as such have been an idiot to some of them, and i truly am sorry. My actions Are my responsibility and its juvenile to think that im in things alone. I should NOT take out my frustrations on the people around me. for all the times, i have worn my emotions on my face, im sorry guys that u had to put up with it. despite being 26, i still have a long way to go in terms of controlling my emotions and thanks for putting up with me all this time. im really sorry for all the pple i have hurt during the space of these few weeks, i have not had my head on straight and i assure you, that im better now. Today i choose to man up and choose the path to be a better man in God's eyes. No doubt the journney will be rough but i will persist because i refuse to remain a boy but to grow into a man that will lead my family alongside Christ.

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